Saturday, August 15, 2009


Why do people begin to giggle when we talk about UFO's? It's like sex , when people begin to speak about sex , we begin to laugh, make jokes & giggle.

Now we know sex is real, its a part of life in fact its the center of life. This same attitude towards possible ufo's is , to me, is somehow revealing. We hear about them, they have been in the minds of men for quite along time, were all not sure & no smoking gun is ever found pointing to them or other world visitors.
In fact it is a culture thing that changes like attitudes do in religion. We imagine them as insect like visitors, out to get us. Some think of them as spirits invading our minds like evil spirits do & some think they are a greater intelligence that really have no need to intervene, letting us know they exist. Many other idea also play a part in the laughter effect that accrues while the subject comes up , of ufo's.

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